Bpost - Dispatch Complaint SystemSeptember 2006 - December 2006Content: |
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The purpose of the project was a green field rapid development of a management system and content-based router system for handling complaints made by customers of Bpost. The application captures the complaints entered through web forms, which are then distributed to the proper divisions to take care of them. The business case for this project was IT rationalization, as it replaced several applicative components with one new application.
IT Sponsor: Dirk Dussart
Project Manager/Architect: Peter De Kinder
Developer: Bert Walschap
The Spring custom developed application acts as a Content Based Router. In order to render it as flexible as possible the different channels to which it is to rout, can be linked through configuration within a web application based on thresholds and certain fields within the entered complaint. These configurations are stored in xml structures, editable at runtime without the need for a restart of the application.
Content Based Routing is a standard Enterprise Integration Pattern, as described in the book “Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions” by Hohpe and Woolf. The pattern is described as follows:
Project | Silo Architecture | Public Sector |